Dr. Yoram Wollman
Function : Dir., Blood Vessels Research Lab
Department: The Bruner Institute of Research
Affiliated to Internal Department F
Cell Phone: (972 0 ) 50 40 567 13
E mail: yoram.wollman@gmail.com
Research: In the past ( Tel Aviv Med.Cent ) : NO, Kidney Diseases,
Erythropoietin, Brain Tumors (in vitro).
In the present : Blood Vessels (BV) Function, Chemical and
Physical Stimuli of BV,
Procedure, Overcoming the Blood Brain Barrier by Endoge-
nous Agent.
Education 1963-1969 : M.Sc Microbiology ,
1970-1974 Ph.D. Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Rehovoth
Experience 1976-1978 Post.Doc.
1993 Visiting Scientist DkFZ
2008 Visiting Scientist ,
Publications Eighty ( articles and chapters)
Membership Israel Society of Clinical Biochemistry +Editor of Journal
Israel Society of Nephrology